Source code for opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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The integration with PostgreSQL supports the `Psycopg`_ library, it can be enabled by
using ``Psycopg2Instrumentor``.

.. _Psycopg:

You can optionally configure Psycopg2 instrumentation to enable sqlcommenter which enriches
the query with contextual information.


.. code:: python

    from opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2 import Psycopg2Instrumentor

    Psycopg2Instrumentor().instrument(enable_commenter=True, commenter_options={})

For example,

   Invoking cursor.execute("select * from auth_users") will lead to sql query "select * from auth_users" but when SQLCommenter is enabled
   the query will get appended with some configurable tags like "select * from auth_users /*tag=value*/;"

SQLCommenter Configurations
We can configure the tags to be appended to the sqlquery log by adding configuration inside commenter_options(default:{}) keyword

db_driver = True(Default) or False

For example,
Enabling this flag will add psycopg2 and it's version which is /*psycopg2%%3A2.9.3*/

dbapi_threadsafety = True(Default) or False

For example,
Enabling this flag will add threadsafety /*dbapi_threadsafety=2*/

dbapi_level = True(Default) or False

For example,
Enabling this flag will add dbapi_level /*dbapi_level='2.0'*/

libpq_version = True(Default) or False

For example,
Enabling this flag will add libpq_version /*libpq_version=140001*/

driver_paramstyle = True(Default) or False

For example,
Enabling this flag will add driver_paramstyle /*driver_paramstyle='pyformat'*/

opentelemetry_values = True(Default) or False

For example,
Enabling this flag will add traceparent values /*traceparent='00-03afa25236b8cd948fa853d67038ac79-405ff022e8247c46-01'*/


.. code-block:: python

    import psycopg2
    from opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2 import Psycopg2Instrumentor


    cnx = psycopg2.connect(database='Database')
    cursor = cnx.cursor()
    cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test (testField) VALUES (123)")


import logging
import typing
from typing import Collection

import psycopg2
from psycopg2.extensions import (
    cursor as pg_cursor,  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module
from psycopg2.sql import Composed  # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module

from opentelemetry.instrumentation import dbapi
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.instrumentor import BaseInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2.package import _instruments
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.psycopg2.version import __version__

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_OTEL_CURSOR_FACTORY_KEY = "_otel_orig_cursor_factory"

[docs]class Psycopg2Instrumentor(BaseInstrumentor): _CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES = { "database": "info.dbname", "port": "info.port", "host": "", "user": "info.user", } _DATABASE_SYSTEM = "postgresql"
[docs] def instrumentation_dependencies(self) -> Collection[str]: return _instruments
def _instrument(self, **kwargs): """Integrate with PostgreSQL Psycopg library. Psycopg: """ tracer_provider = kwargs.get("tracer_provider") enable_sqlcommenter = kwargs.get("enable_commenter", False) commenter_options = kwargs.get("commenter_options", {}) dbapi.wrap_connect( __name__, psycopg2, "connect", self._DATABASE_SYSTEM, self._CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES, version=__version__, tracer_provider=tracer_provider, db_api_integration_factory=DatabaseApiIntegration, enable_commenter=enable_sqlcommenter, commenter_options=commenter_options, ) def _uninstrument(self, **kwargs): """ "Disable Psycopg2 instrumentation""" dbapi.unwrap_connect(psycopg2, "connect") # TODO(owais): check if core dbapi can do this for all dbapi implementations e.g, pymysql and mysql
[docs] @staticmethod def instrument_connection(connection, tracer_provider=None): if not hasattr(connection, "_is_instrumented_by_opentelemetry"): connection._is_instrumented_by_opentelemetry = False if not connection._is_instrumented_by_opentelemetry: setattr( connection, _OTEL_CURSOR_FACTORY_KEY, connection.cursor_factory ) connection.cursor_factory = _new_cursor_factory( tracer_provider=tracer_provider ) connection._is_instrumented_by_opentelemetry = True else: _logger.warning( "Attempting to instrument Psycopg connection while already instrumented" ) return connection
# TODO(owais): check if core dbapi can do this for all dbapi implementations e.g, pymysql and mysql
[docs] @staticmethod def uninstrument_connection(connection): connection.cursor_factory = getattr( connection, _OTEL_CURSOR_FACTORY_KEY, None ) return connection
# TODO(owais): check if core dbapi can do this for all dbapi implementations e.g, pymysql and mysql
[docs]class DatabaseApiIntegration(dbapi.DatabaseApiIntegration):
[docs] def wrapped_connection( self, connect_method: typing.Callable[..., typing.Any], args: typing.Tuple[typing.Any, typing.Any], kwargs: typing.Dict[typing.Any, typing.Any], ): """Add object proxy to connection object.""" base_cursor_factory = kwargs.pop("cursor_factory", None) new_factory_kwargs = {"db_api": self} if base_cursor_factory: new_factory_kwargs["base_factory"] = base_cursor_factory kwargs["cursor_factory"] = _new_cursor_factory(**new_factory_kwargs) connection = connect_method(*args, **kwargs) self.get_connection_attributes(connection) return connection
[docs]class CursorTracer(dbapi.CursorTracer):
[docs] def get_operation_name(self, cursor, args): if not args: return "" statement = args[0] if isinstance(statement, Composed): statement = statement.as_string(cursor) if isinstance(statement, str): # Strip leading comments so we get the operation name. return self._leading_comment_remover.sub("", statement).split()[0] return ""
[docs] def get_statement(self, cursor, args): if not args: return "" statement = args[0] if isinstance(statement, Composed): statement = statement.as_string(cursor) return statement
def _new_cursor_factory(db_api=None, base_factory=None, tracer_provider=None): if not db_api: db_api = DatabaseApiIntegration( __name__, Psycopg2Instrumentor._DATABASE_SYSTEM, connection_attributes=Psycopg2Instrumentor._CONNECTION_ATTRIBUTES, version=__version__, tracer_provider=tracer_provider, ) base_factory = base_factory or pg_cursor _cursor_tracer = CursorTracer(db_api) class TracedCursorFactory(base_factory): def execute(self, *args, **kwargs): return _cursor_tracer.traced_execution( self, super().execute, *args, **kwargs ) def executemany(self, *args, **kwargs): return _cursor_tracer.traced_execution( self, super().executemany, *args, **kwargs ) def callproc(self, *args, **kwargs): return _cursor_tracer.traced_execution( self, super().callproc, *args, **kwargs ) return TracedCursorFactory