OpenTelemetry mysqlclient Instrumentation

The integration with MySQLClient supports the MySQLClient library and can be enabled by using MySQLClientInstrumentor.


import MySQLdb
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.mysqlclient import MySQLClientInstrumentor


cnx = MySQLdb.connect(database="MySQL_Database")
cursor = cnx.cursor()
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test (testField) VALUES (123)"


You can optionally configure MySQLClient instrumentation to enable sqlcommenter which enriches the query with contextual information.

import MySQLdb
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.mysqlclient import MySQLClientInstrumentor

# Call instrument() to wrap all database connections
MySQLClientInstrumentor().instrument(enable_commenter=True, commenter_options={})

cnx = MySQLdb.connect(database="MySQL_Database")
cursor = cnx.cursor()
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (testField INTEGER)")
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test (testField) VALUES (123)"
import MySQLdb
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.mysqlclient import MySQLClientInstrumentor

# Alternatively, use instrument_connection for an individual connection
cnx = MySQLdb.connect(database="MySQL_Database")
instrumented_cnx = MySQLClientInstrumentor().instrument_connection(
        "db_driver": True,
        "mysql_client_version": True,
        "driver_paramstyle": False
cursor = instrumented_cnx.cursor()
cursor.execute("CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS test (testField INTEGER)")
cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test (testField) VALUES (123)"

For example,

Invoking cursor.execute("INSERT INTO test (testField) VALUES (123)") will lead to sql query "INSERT INTO test (testField) VALUES (123)" but when SQLCommenter is enabled
the query will get appended with some configurable tags like "INSERT INTO test (testField) VALUES (123) /*tag=value*/;"

SQLCommenter Configurations

We can configure the tags to be appended to the sqlquery log by adding configuration inside commenter_options(default:{}) keyword

db_driver = True(Default) or False

For example, :: Enabling this flag will add MySQLdb and its version, e.g. /MySQLdb%%3A1.2.3/

dbapi_threadsafety = True(Default) or False

For example, :: Enabling this flag will add threadsafety /dbapi_threadsafety=2/

dbapi_level = True(Default) or False

For example, :: Enabling this flag will add dbapi_level /dbapi_level=’2.0’/

mysql_client_version = True(Default) or False

For example, :: Enabling this flag will add mysql_client_version /mysql_client_version=’123’/

driver_paramstyle = True(Default) or False

For example, :: Enabling this flag will add driver_paramstyle /driver_paramstyle=’pyformat’/

opentelemetry_values = True(Default) or False

For example, :: Enabling this flag will add traceparent values /traceparent=’00-03afa25236b8cd948fa853d67038ac79-405ff022e8247c46-01’/

SQLComment in span attribute

If sqlcommenter is enabled, you can optionally configure MySQLClient instrumentation to append sqlcomment to query span attribute for convenience of your platform.

from opentelemetry.instrumentation.mysqlclient import MySQLClientInstrumentor


For example,

Invoking cursor.execute("select * from auth_users") will lead to sql query "select * from auth_users" but when SQLCommenter and attribute_commenter are enabled
the query will get appended with some configurable tags like "select * from auth_users /*tag=value*/;" for both server query and `db.statement` span attribute.


class opentelemetry.instrumentation.mysqlclient.MySQLClientInstrumentor(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Bases: BaseInstrumentor


Return a list of python packages with versions that the will be instrumented.

The format should be the same as used in requirements.txt or pyproject.toml.

For example, if an instrumentation instruments requests 1.x, this method should look like: :rtype: Collection[str]

def instrumentation_dependencies(self) -> Collection[str]:

return [‘requests ~= 1.0’]

This will ensure that the instrumentation will only be used when the specified library is present in the environment.

static instrument_connection(connection, tracer_provider=None, enable_commenter=None, commenter_options=None, enable_attribute_commenter=None)[source]

Enable instrumentation in a mysqlclient connection.

  • connection – The MySQL connection instance to instrument. This connection is typically created using MySQLdb.connect() and needs to be wrapped to collect telemetry.

  • tracer_provider – A custom TracerProvider instance to be used for tracing. If not specified, the globally configured tracer provider will be used.

  • enable_commenter – A flag to enable the OpenTelemetry SQLCommenter feature. If set to True, SQL queries will be enriched with contextual information (e.g., database client details). Default is None.

  • commenter_options

    A dictionary of configuration options for SQLCommenter. All options are enabled (True) by default. This allows you to customize metadata appended to queries. Possible options include:

    • db_driver: Adds the database driver name and version.

    • dbapi_threadsafety: Adds threadsafety information.

    • dbapi_level: Adds the DB-API version.

    • mysql_client_version: Adds the MySQL client version.

    • driver_paramstyle: Adds the parameter style.

    • opentelemetry_values: Includes traceparent values.


An instrumented MySQL connection with OpenTelemetry support enabled.

static uninstrument_connection(connection)[source]

Disable instrumentation in a mysqlclient connection.


connection – The connection to uninstrument.


An uninstrumented connection.