Source code for opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Instrument `Botocore`_ to trace service requests.

There are two options for instrumenting code. The first option is to use the
``opentelemetry-instrument`` executable which will automatically
instrument your Botocore client. The second is to programmatically enable
instrumentation via the following code:

.. _Botocore:


.. code:: python

    from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore import BotocoreInstrumentor
    import botocore

    # Instrument Botocore

    # This will create a span with Botocore-specific attributes
    session = botocore.session.get_session()
        access_key="access-key", secret_key="secret-key"
    ec2 = self.session.create_client("ec2", region_name="us-west-2")


The `instrument` method accepts the following keyword args:

tracer_provider (TracerProvider) - an optional tracer provider
request_hook (Callable) - a function with extra user-defined logic to be performed before performing the request
this function signature is:  def request_hook(span: Span, service_name: str, operation_name: str, api_params: dict) -> None
response_hook (Callable) - a function with extra user-defined logic to be performed after performing the request
this function signature is:  def response_hook(span: Span, service_name: str, operation_name: str, result: dict) -> None

for example:

.. code: python

    from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore import BotocoreInstrumentor
    import botocore

    def request_hook(span, service_name, operation_name, api_params):
        # request hook logic

    def response_hook(span, service_name, operation_name, result):
        # response hook logic

    # Instrument Botocore with hooks
    BotocoreInstrumentor().instrument(request_hook=request_hook, response_hook=response_hook)

    # This will create a span with Botocore-specific attributes, including custom attributes added from the hooks
    session = botocore.session.get_session()
        access_key="access-key", secret_key="secret-key"
    ec2 = self.session.create_client("ec2", region_name="us-west-2")

import logging
from typing import Any, Callable, Collection, Dict, Optional, Tuple

from botocore.client import BaseClient
from botocore.endpoint import Endpoint
from botocore.exceptions import ClientError
from wrapt import wrap_function_wrapper

from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore.extensions import _find_extension
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore.extensions.types import (
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore.package import _instruments
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.botocore.version import __version__
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.instrumentor import BaseInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.utils import (
from import AwsXRayPropagator
from opentelemetry.semconv.trace import SpanAttributes
from opentelemetry.trace import get_tracer
from opentelemetry.trace.span import Span

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class BotocoreInstrumentor(BaseInstrumentor): """An instrumentor for Botocore. See `BaseInstrumentor` """ def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.request_hook = None self.response_hook = None self.propagator = AwsXRayPropagator()
[docs] def instrumentation_dependencies(self) -> Collection[str]: return _instruments
def _instrument(self, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init self._tracer = get_tracer( __name__, __version__, kwargs.get("tracer_provider"), schema_url="", ) self.request_hook = kwargs.get("request_hook") self.response_hook = kwargs.get("response_hook") propagator = kwargs.get("propagator") if propagator is not None: self.propagator = propagator wrap_function_wrapper( "botocore.client", "BaseClient._make_api_call", self._patched_api_call, ) wrap_function_wrapper( "botocore.endpoint", "Endpoint.prepare_request", self._patched_endpoint_prepare_request, ) def _uninstrument(self, **kwargs): unwrap(BaseClient, "_make_api_call") unwrap(Endpoint, "prepare_request") # pylint: disable=unused-argument def _patched_endpoint_prepare_request( self, wrapped, instance, args, kwargs ): request = args[0] headers = request.headers # Only the x-ray header is propagated by AWS services. Using any # other propagator will lose the trace context. self.propagator.inject(headers) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=too-many-branches def _patched_api_call(self, original_func, instance, args, kwargs): if not is_instrumentation_enabled(): return original_func(*args, **kwargs) call_context = _determine_call_context(instance, args) if call_context is None: return original_func(*args, **kwargs) extension = _find_extension(call_context) if not extension.should_trace_service_call(): return original_func(*args, **kwargs) attributes = { SpanAttributes.RPC_SYSTEM: "aws-api", SpanAttributes.RPC_SERVICE: call_context.service_id, SpanAttributes.RPC_METHOD: call_context.operation, # TODO: update when semantic conventions exist "aws.region": call_context.region, } _safe_invoke(extension.extract_attributes, attributes) with self._tracer.start_as_current_span( call_context.span_name, kind=call_context.span_kind, attributes=attributes, ) as span: _safe_invoke(extension.before_service_call, span) self._call_request_hook(span, call_context) try: with suppress_http_instrumentation(): result = None try: result = original_func(*args, **kwargs) except ClientError as error: result = getattr(error, "response", None) _apply_response_attributes(span, result) _safe_invoke(extension.on_error, span, error) raise _apply_response_attributes(span, result) _safe_invoke(extension.on_success, span, result) finally: _safe_invoke(extension.after_service_call) self._call_response_hook(span, call_context, result) return result def _call_request_hook(self, span: Span, call_context: _AwsSdkCallContext): if not callable(self.request_hook): return self.request_hook( span, call_context.service, call_context.operation, call_context.params, ) def _call_response_hook( self, span: Span, call_context: _AwsSdkCallContext, result ): if not callable(self.response_hook): return self.response_hook( span, call_context.service, call_context.operation, result )
def _apply_response_attributes(span: Span, result): if result is None or not span.is_recording(): return metadata = result.get("ResponseMetadata") if metadata is None: return request_id = metadata.get("RequestId") if request_id is None: headers = metadata.get("HTTPHeaders") if headers is not None: request_id = ( headers.get("x-amzn-RequestId") or headers.get("x-amz-request-id") or headers.get("x-amz-id-2") ) if request_id: # TODO: update when semantic conventions exist span.set_attribute("aws.request_id", request_id) retry_attempts = metadata.get("RetryAttempts") if retry_attempts is not None: # TODO: update when semantic conventions exists span.set_attribute("retry_attempts", retry_attempts) status_code = metadata.get("HTTPStatusCode") if status_code is not None: span.set_attribute(SpanAttributes.HTTP_STATUS_CODE, status_code) def _determine_call_context( client: BaseClient, args: Tuple[str, Dict[str, Any]] ) -> Optional[_AwsSdkCallContext]: try: call_context = _AwsSdkCallContext(client, args) logger.debug( "AWS SDK invocation: %s %s", call_context.service, call_context.operation, ) return call_context except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except # this shouldn't happen actually unless internals of botocore changed and # extracting essential attributes ('service' and 'operation') failed. logger.error("Error when initializing call context", exc_info=ex) return None def _safe_invoke(function: Callable, *args): function_name = "<unknown>" try: function_name = function.__name__ function(*args) except Exception as ex: # pylint:disable=broad-except logger.error( "Error when invoking function '%s'", function_name, exc_info=ex )