Source code for opentelemetry.instrumentation.boto3sqs

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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Instrument `boto3sqs`_ to trace SQS applications.

.. _boto3sqs:


.. code-block:: python

    import boto3
    from opentelemetry.instrumentation.boto3sqs import Boto3SQSInstrumentor


import logging
from typing import Any, Collection, Dict, Generator, List, Mapping, Optional

import boto3
import botocore.client
from wrapt import wrap_function_wrapper

from opentelemetry import context, propagate, trace
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.instrumentor import BaseInstrumentor
from opentelemetry.instrumentation.utils import (
from opentelemetry.propagators.textmap import CarrierT, Getter, Setter
from opentelemetry.semconv.trace import (
from opentelemetry.trace import Link, Span, SpanKind, Tracer, TracerProvider

from .package import _instruments
from .version import __version__

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_IS_SQS_INSTRUMENTED_ATTRIBUTE = "_otel_boto3sqs_instrumented"

[docs]class Boto3SQSGetter(Getter[CarrierT]):
[docs] def get(self, carrier: CarrierT, key: str) -> Optional[List[str]]: msg_attr = carrier.get(key) if not isinstance(msg_attr, Mapping): return None value = msg_attr.get("StringValue") if value is None: return None return [value]
[docs] def keys(self, carrier: CarrierT) -> List[str]: return list(carrier.keys())
[docs]class Boto3SQSSetter(Setter[CarrierT]):
[docs] def set(self, carrier: CarrierT, key: str, value: str) -> None: # This is a limitation defined by AWS for SQS MessageAttributes size if len(carrier.items()) < 10: carrier[key] = { "StringValue": value, "DataType": "String", } else: _logger.warning( "Boto3 SQS instrumentation: cannot set context propagation on SQS/SNS message due to maximum amount of " "MessageAttributes" )
boto3sqs_getter = Boto3SQSGetter() boto3sqs_setter = Boto3SQSSetter() # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init
[docs]class Boto3SQSInstrumentor(BaseInstrumentor): received_messages_spans: Dict[str, Span] = {} current_span_related_to_token: Span = None current_context_token = None
[docs] class ContextableList(list): """ Since the classic way to process SQS messages is using a `for` loop, without a well defined scope like a callback - we are doing something similar to the instrumentation of Kafka-python and instrumenting the `__iter__` functions and the `__getitem__` functions to set the span context of the addressed message. Since the return value from an `SQS.ReceiveMessage` returns a builtin list, we cannot wrap it and change all of the calls for `list.__iter__` and `list.__getitem__` - therefore we use ContextableList. It is bound to the received_messages_spans dict """ def __getitem__(self, key: int) -> Any: retval = super( Boto3SQSInstrumentor.ContextableList, self ).__getitem__(key) if not isinstance(retval, dict): return retval receipt_handle = retval.get("ReceiptHandle") if not receipt_handle: return retval started_span = Boto3SQSInstrumentor.received_messages_spans.get( receipt_handle ) if started_span is None: return retval if Boto3SQSInstrumentor.current_context_token: context.detach(Boto3SQSInstrumentor.current_context_token) Boto3SQSInstrumentor.current_context_token = context.attach( trace.set_span_in_context(started_span) ) Boto3SQSInstrumentor.current_span_related_to_token = started_span return retval def __iter__(self) -> Generator: index = 0 while index < len(self): yield self[index] index = index + 1
[docs] def instrumentation_dependencies(self) -> Collection[str]: return _instruments
@staticmethod def _enrich_span( span: Span, queue_name: str, queue_url: str, conversation_id: Optional[str] = None, operation: Optional[MessagingOperationValues] = None, message_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: if not span.is_recording(): return span.set_attribute(SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_SYSTEM, "aws.sqs") span.set_attribute(SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_DESTINATION, queue_name) span.set_attribute( SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_DESTINATION_KIND, MessagingDestinationKindValues.QUEUE.value, ) span.set_attribute(SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_URL, queue_url) if operation: span.set_attribute( SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_OPERATION, operation.value ) if conversation_id: span.set_attribute( SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_CONVERSATION_ID, conversation_id ) if message_id: span.set_attribute(SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_MESSAGE_ID, message_id) @staticmethod def _safe_end_processing_span(receipt_handle: str) -> None: started_span: Span = Boto3SQSInstrumentor.received_messages_spans.pop( receipt_handle, None ) if started_span: if ( Boto3SQSInstrumentor.current_span_related_to_token == started_span ): context.detach(Boto3SQSInstrumentor.current_context_token) Boto3SQSInstrumentor.current_context_token = None started_span.end() @staticmethod def _extract_queue_name_from_url(queue_url: str) -> str: # A Queue name cannot have the `/` char, therefore we can return the part after the last / return queue_url.split("/")[-1] def _create_processing_span( self, queue_name: str, queue_url: str, receipt_handle: str, message: Dict[str, Any], ) -> None: message_attributes = message.get("MessageAttributes", {}) links = [] ctx = propagate.extract(message_attributes, getter=boto3sqs_getter) parent_span_ctx = trace.get_current_span(ctx).get_span_context() if parent_span_ctx.is_valid: links.append(Link(context=parent_span_ctx)) span = self._tracer.start_span( name=f"{queue_name} process", links=links, kind=SpanKind.CONSUMER ) with trace.use_span(span): message_id = message.get("MessageId") Boto3SQSInstrumentor.received_messages_spans[receipt_handle] = span Boto3SQSInstrumentor._enrich_span( span, queue_name, queue_url, message_id=message_id, operation=MessagingOperationValues.PROCESS, ) def _wrap_send_message(self, sqs_class: type) -> None: def send_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): if not is_instrumentation_enabled(): return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) queue_url = kwargs.get("QueueUrl") # The method expect QueueUrl and Entries params, so if they are None, we call wrapped to receive the # original exception queue_name = Boto3SQSInstrumentor._extract_queue_name_from_url( queue_url ) with self._tracer.start_as_current_span( name=f"{queue_name} send", kind=SpanKind.PRODUCER, end_on_exit=True, ) as span: Boto3SQSInstrumentor._enrich_span(span, queue_name, queue_url) attributes = kwargs.pop("MessageAttributes", {}) propagate.inject(attributes, setter=boto3sqs_setter) retval = wrapped(*args, MessageAttributes=attributes, **kwargs) message_id = retval.get("MessageId") if message_id: if span.is_recording(): span.set_attribute( SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_MESSAGE_ID, message_id ) return retval wrap_function_wrapper(sqs_class, "send_message", send_wrapper) def _wrap_send_message_batch(self, sqs_class: type) -> None: def send_batch_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): queue_url = kwargs.get("QueueUrl") entries = kwargs.get("Entries") # The method expect QueueUrl and Entries params, so if they are None, we call wrapped to receive the # original exception if ( not is_instrumentation_enabled() or not queue_url or not entries ): return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) queue_name = Boto3SQSInstrumentor._extract_queue_name_from_url( queue_url ) ids_to_spans: Dict[str, Span] = {} for entry in entries: entry_id = entry["Id"] span = self._tracer.start_span( name=f"{queue_name} send", kind=SpanKind.PRODUCER ) ids_to_spans[entry_id] = span Boto3SQSInstrumentor._enrich_span( span, queue_name, queue_url, conversation_id=entry_id ) with trace.use_span(span): if "MessageAttributes" not in entry: entry["MessageAttributes"] = {} propagate.inject( entry["MessageAttributes"], setter=boto3sqs_setter ) retval = wrapped(*args, **kwargs) for successful_messages in retval["Successful"]: message_identifier = successful_messages["Id"] message_span = ids_to_spans.get(message_identifier) if message_span: if message_span.is_recording(): message_span.set_attribute( SpanAttributes.MESSAGING_MESSAGE_ID, successful_messages.get("MessageId"), ) for span in ids_to_spans.values(): span.end() return retval wrap_function_wrapper( sqs_class, "send_message_batch", send_batch_wrapper ) def _wrap_receive_message(self, sqs_class: type) -> None: def receive_message_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): queue_url = kwargs.get("QueueUrl") message_attribute_names = kwargs.pop("MessageAttributeNames", []) message_attribute_names.extend( propagate.get_global_textmap().fields ) queue_name = Boto3SQSInstrumentor._extract_queue_name_from_url( queue_url ) with self._tracer.start_as_current_span( name=f"{queue_name} receive", end_on_exit=True, kind=SpanKind.CONSUMER, ) as span: Boto3SQSInstrumentor._enrich_span( span, queue_name, queue_url, operation=MessagingOperationValues.RECEIVE, ) retval = wrapped( *args, MessageAttributeNames=message_attribute_names, **kwargs, ) messages = retval.get("Messages", []) if not messages: return retval for message in messages: receipt_handle = message.get("ReceiptHandle") if not receipt_handle: continue Boto3SQSInstrumentor._safe_end_processing_span( receipt_handle ) self._create_processing_span( queue_name, queue_url, receipt_handle, message ) retval["Messages"] = Boto3SQSInstrumentor.ContextableList( messages ) return retval wrap_function_wrapper( sqs_class, "receive_message", receive_message_wrapper ) @staticmethod def _wrap_delete_message(sqs_class: type) -> None: def delete_message_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): receipt_handle = kwargs.get("ReceiptHandle") if receipt_handle: Boto3SQSInstrumentor._safe_end_processing_span(receipt_handle) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) wrap_function_wrapper( sqs_class, "delete_message", delete_message_wrapper ) @staticmethod def _wrap_delete_message_batch(sqs_class: type) -> None: def delete_message_wrapper_batch(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): entries = kwargs.get("Entries") for entry in entries: receipt_handle = entry.get("ReceiptHandle") if receipt_handle: Boto3SQSInstrumentor._safe_end_processing_span( receipt_handle ) return wrapped(*args, **kwargs) wrap_function_wrapper( sqs_class, "delete_message_batch", delete_message_wrapper_batch ) def _wrap_client_creation(self) -> None: """ Since botocore creates classes on the fly using schemas, the SQS class is not necesraily created upon the call of `instrument()`. Therefore we need to wrap the creation of the boto3 client, which triggers the creation of the SQS client. """ def client_wrapper(wrapped, instance, args, kwargs): retval = wrapped(*args, **kwargs) self._decorate_sqs(type(retval)) return retval wrap_function_wrapper(boto3, "client", client_wrapper) def _decorate_sqs(self, sqs_class: type) -> None: """ Since botocore creates classes on the fly using schemas, we try to find the class that inherits from the base class and is SQS to wrap. """ # We define SQS client as the only client that implements send_message_batch if not hasattr(sqs_class, "send_message_batch"): return if getattr(sqs_class, _IS_SQS_INSTRUMENTED_ATTRIBUTE, False): return setattr(sqs_class, _IS_SQS_INSTRUMENTED_ATTRIBUTE, True) self._wrap_send_message(sqs_class) self._wrap_send_message_batch(sqs_class) self._wrap_receive_message(sqs_class) self._wrap_delete_message(sqs_class) self._wrap_delete_message_batch(sqs_class) @staticmethod def _un_decorate_sqs(sqs_class: type) -> None: if not getattr(sqs_class, _IS_SQS_INSTRUMENTED_ATTRIBUTE, False): return unwrap(sqs_class, "send_message") unwrap(sqs_class, "send_message_batch") unwrap(sqs_class, "receive_message") unwrap(sqs_class, "delete_message") unwrap(sqs_class, "delete_message_batch") setattr(sqs_class, _IS_SQS_INSTRUMENTED_ATTRIBUTE, False) def _instrument(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self._tracer_provider: Optional[TracerProvider] = kwargs.get( "tracer_provider" ) self._tracer: Tracer = trace.get_tracer( __name__, __version__, self._tracer_provider, schema_url="", ) self._wrap_client_creation() for client_cls in botocore.client.BaseClient.__subclasses__(): self._decorate_sqs(client_cls) def _uninstrument(self, **kwargs: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: unwrap(boto3, "client") for client_cls in botocore.client.BaseClient.__subclasses__(): self._un_decorate_sqs(client_cls)